Thank you Gita 🥰 –

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Thank you Gita 🥰

Posted by Holger:

Thank you Gita 🥰
“Truth is simple, the seeker is complex.”

Shame is on my mind the last few weeks (inspired by David Whyte).
Becoming aware of the sense of inadequacy,
of not being good enough.
It seems to be the root of all unhappiness and seeking.

It is priceless to meet as friends,
as truth lovers;
to soak in presence,
to be shameless and loving in detecting the me-belief.

Not to fix anything!
But to relax the “me” we believe to be.

To allow the mystery of being Home,
right here and now.

For the “me” it is an acquired taste, easily dismissed.
(All words as concessions.)

Please feel always warmly welcome
at the


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Created: May 11, 2024 
Last modified: May 11, 2024

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