Embrace with your heart… – nondual.community

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Embrace with your heart…

Posted by Holger:

Embrace with your heart
what mind cannot understand.


Someone said:

If you squeeze an orange you get orange juice,
but when you squeeze a person you get anger,
frustration, bitterness, resentment…


Dear Friend,
Let’s not judge by appearances,
but be brave in seeing that the “me”
we identify as is simply a belief,
held together by unaware mental effort.

Life is a mystery, not a problem to be solved.

Human muscles can only contract,
in order to invite movement;
learn to relax, and risk
to consider the lie of “me”
as a separate-self.

A message to no-one: wake up, embrace friendship
to gently outgrow the kindergarten of me and you.

Be brave;
you determine how you see “me”.


“Finally, brothers and sisters,
whatever is true, whatever is noble,
whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable
—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—
think about such things.”


Having friends in this
world of educated darkness
is priceless.

Waking up from the me-dream
is not easy; no doer can do it.

Your own thoughts and feelings
are always from the past;
what are you, here and now?


Gratitude for the gift of friendship;
to risk to relax the me-bubble;
to have a safe space to even
throw a tamper tantrum, if it happens.

Not to come back to the senses,
but to effortlessly know the truth.


Love and do what you will.


Negative (psychological) feelings are nothing bad.
They need to be felt for what they are,
in order to leave the system.

Words fall short.
Life As Art.



Not the peace in the person,
but the peace from the person.

Don’t waste this gift,
“me” is not “I am”,
but “I” appears as “me”.

Beginner’s mind:
what do I really know beyond doubt?


Holger Hub-bs

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Created: September 2, 2023 
Last modified: September 2, 2023

This post has 6 Comments. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

6 responses to “Embrace with your heart…”

  1. Fang Avatar

    If you squeeze an orange you get orange juice,
    but when you squeeze a person you get anger,
    frustration, bitterness, resentment…

    sounds like accusation or shame cultivation statement type
    it says if you re angry or frustrated, you re bad in the inside
    very religious tone
    sorry Holger <3

    1. Holger Hubbs Avatar

      Thank you Fang, no need for a sorry, I appreciate your comment and openness.

      You simply shared what your mind added.
      It’s not easy to hear and feel oneself without being intimidated by thoughts and feelings.

      With “me-bubble” I want to express that religion, beliefs, hopes, assumptions, blame, shame, guilt, expectations, attachments can be consciously allowed (not indulged), in order to see the unreality of the assumed “me”:

      “Gratitude for the gift of friendship;
      to risk to relax the me-bubble;
      to have a safe space to even
      throw a tamper tantrum, if it happens.

      Not to come back to the senses,
      but to effortlessly know the truth.”

    2. Magdi Badawy Avatar
      Magdi Badawy

      Hi Fang,
      I just read your comment.
      No, if you are angry or frustrated, it is an opportunity to take a look at the situation as well as to take a look at your assumptions and beliefs.
      Usually anger and other negative emotions are a habit pattern which we have adopted earlier, and it repeats itself.
      When we become interested in peace, love, happiness and freedom, somehow we also become interested in understanding the process which triggers the negative emotions of anger, greed, jealousy, etc.
      Much love to you.

  2. Magdi Badawy Avatar
    Magdi Badawy

    Lovely 💗message reminding us not to be somebody separate. To recognize our true self as this borderless loving presence. Effortless presence.
    Whenever we get off-road, we can ‘return’ to presence, to the non-dual path of not-knowing what we are.
    In this not knowing, all waves are water.
    We are this one substance, this one reality.

  3. Chris Victor Avatar
    Chris Victor

    thank you for a fresh and daring expression through the oldest understanding

    with love,


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