Update 12-23-2022 –

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Posted by Holger:

Thank you Reena for joining us ❤️

Hello Nandakumar, welcome!

Magdi, it was very nice meeting you on Monday.

Maybe – just maybe – one day we would be able
to formulate some words about
what makes our meetings so delightful.

Some few words to share with our fellow humans,
to celebrate in similar ways, to relax the person.

In addition to the enlightenment certificate
(a $19.99 monthly subscription),
a Garden Of Friends Facilitator Franchise (GOFFF)?

Thank you Walter for 108+ hours of
Swami Sarvapriyananda‘s
Bhagavad Gita Series.

Watching one video every day,
the end would be reached April 11, 2023,
which would be a new beginning.

Irena, I posted Ramesh’s words about Faith:

There were so many other beautiful things,
but thankfully I don’t need to turn back time…

Just some snippets:

07:15:25 From Lisa to Everyone:
Ultimately, All is for and by SELF

07:16:19 From Ethan to Everyone:
Chicken legs

07:17:41 From Irena to Everyone:
Every attempt at controlling
our inherent nature,
results only in suppression
and it’s adverse consequences.

07:18:34 From Ethan to Everyone:
If you think you are bound you are bound.
If you think you are free you are free.
You are what you think.

07:20:59 From Lisa to Everyone:
The clear seeing of Reality outs an end to all future superimpositions.
So that’s why we don’t attend to the stories of the separate self.
“The suffering because of…”
We don’t attend to those because even if we were
to resolve those situations there would be some other “cause” for misery.
We investigate the nature of who we are,
and the clear seeing of who we are puts an end
to any subsequent forms of identification
of limitation and therefore unhappiness.

07:21:47 From Ethan to Everyone:
Did you write that Lisa?

07:22:00 From Lisa to Everyone:
yes, including the typo 😉

07:22:04 From Ethan to Everyone:
Very clear

07:22:07 From Ethan to Everyone:
Typos and all

07:22:27 From Lisa to Everyone:
“puts” an end…

07:30:34 From Lisa to Everyone:
We celebrate the birthday of Ethan Christ

07:44:01 From Walter C to Everyone:

The Uncanny Valley by TIKI BAR
My son’s EP album released today ❤️

07:46:28 From Manfred Sukho to Everyone:
“Lately, in my mind,
I seem to be falling out of spirituality and nonduality
and the whole scene I’ve been so much a part of
and so deeply immersed in for so many decades.
… something is shifting.
I find myself so profoundly tired lately of all the
religious-spiritual-nondual bullshit….
the endless awakening stories,
the efforts to transcend everyday life
and human vulnerability,
the whole idea of enlightenment…
the gurus and their promises,
the one-track ponies cloned from Tony Parsons
all endlessly saying over and over that there is
no one here and nothing is happening …”
Joane Tollifson

07:47:36 From Lisa to Everyone:
Joan is very honest and forthcoming,
whatever her current experience
No need to question happiness

07:53:22 From Lisa to Everyone:
Thinking is Silence in motion

08:07:51 From Lisa to Everyone:
When suffering appears ask:
Who are you truly?
Are you a separate,
limited person who shares the limits and destiny of the body?

08:10:35 From Ethan to Everyone:
Across The Universe is great too

08:12:18 From Lisa to Everyone:
The clear seeing of reality puts an end
to all future superimpositions.
So that’s why we don’t attend to the stories
of the separate self.
“The suffering because of…”
We don’t attend to these stories
because even if we were to resolve those situations
there would be some other cause for misery.
We investigate the nature of who we are,
and the clear seeing of who we are
puts an end to any subsequent forms of identification
or limitation, and therefore, unhappiness.

08:14:18 From Reena to Everyone:
Lisa, the words are beautiful thank you.
This is so true: … because even if we were to resolve
those situations there would be some other cause for misery.

08:28:52 From Lisa to Everyone:
the trauma of the sock puppet

08:32:21 From Lisa to Everyone:
What trauma is here now?

08:32:43 From Manfred Sukho to Everyone:
Stop It! (funny)

From Manfred:

Since the subjects trauma healing and shadow work
came up in todays meeting I thought these two videos
might be of interest for some.
Understanding Residues of Past Trauma

The Illusion of “Shadow Work”

Let’s get ready for Christmas, shall we.
Love to all and even to me 😂❤️😒

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Created: December 23, 2022 
Last modified: December 23, 2022

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