Update 12-10-2022 – nondual.community

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Update 12-10-2022

Posted by Holger:

Here in Pacific Grove it is raining dogs and cats (-;

– Thank you Robert and Ron
for your comments on “The mind is in wisdom“.

– I added a post “Mandukya Upanishad
which also has a PDF of the text.

– Nice meeting you Sina at the last Garden Of Friends.
Yes, we are simply friends hanging out;
allowing ourself to risk to relax fears, ideas and expectations.
No competition, no shame, but being together
in the same simple love for truth.
We look to the heart,
not impressed by the person.

Madi, maybe you join us again, if it works out?

– I added a search thingy to the Friends Map,
i.e. to search for a person, state, country, continent

– Three free live events on Sunday:
Friends of Roger Castillo
Friendly Circles
Magdi Satsang
“Where is my freedom
if I cannot choose
my thoughts?”


One Source

Related Presenters:

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Related Friends:

Spreading love and understanding.


Created: December 10, 2022 
Last modified: December 10, 2022

This post has 1 Comment. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

One response to “Update 12-10-2022”

  1. Robert Caldwell Avatar
    Robert Caldwell

    Thank you Holger, for holding us together.

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