The website looks fantastic! –

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The website looks fantastic!

Posted by Fatima:

On Sun, Nov 06, 2022 at 5:57pm, Fatima wrote:

Hi Holger,

The website looks fantastic! It is so visually pleasing and of course, the content is great!

There is a gentleness that comes through energetically.
I’m not sure if that makes sense, but I’m sensitive to energy and that’s what I felt.

Below are some of my favorite things about the site:

I love the art and photography, especially the dove within the two faces (profiles). 🕊️

I loved what Happiness was defined as under the Glossary page.

Lastly, I love that the zoom photo includes me in it,
LOL! I wasn’t expecting that! 😁

Great job, buddy! 👏🏼

🌻 Fatima

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Created: November 6, 2022 
Last modified: December 11, 2022

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