Satsang: Beyond all dreams (11/17/2024) –

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Satsang: Beyond all dreams (11/17/2024)

Posted by Magdi Badawy:

Sunday, November 17, 2024 2:00 pm (California Time)  

“Magdi encourages us to recognize our true nature as ’empty knowingness,’ which is the formless reality behind all appearances. This formless reality is always present, but it becomes veiled when we identify with our body, mind, and personal narratives. We experience separation and suffering as a result of this identification. Magdi explains that we can access ‘causeless happiness‘ when we release those limiting identifications and embrace our true nature. Magdi uses the analogy of the wave and the ocean to illustrate the idea that there is no real separation between us and the formless reality.”


Meditation & Transcript:

Beyond all dreams


Youtube recording:


Here are 10 keywords for the podcast on

  • Empty Knowingness:
    This is a key concept in the podcast and refers to the formless reality that is said to be behind all appearances.
  • Consciousness:
    Magdi discusses the nature of consciousness and its relationship to reality.
  • Identification:
    He emphasizes that identifying with the body, mind, and personal narratives leads to a sense of separation and suffering.
  • Formless Reality:
    Magdi highlights the idea that our true nature is not limited to our physical form or mental constructs but is instead this formless reality.
  • Causeless Happiness:
    He suggests that true happiness is not dependent on external circumstances but can be found within by recognizing our true nature.
  • Separation:
    The podcast explores the idea that our belief in being separate individuals is an illusion.
  • Suffering:
    Magdi suggests that suffering arises from our identification with the limited self.
  • Presence:
    He emphasizes the importance of being present in the moment and letting go of past regrets and future worries.
  • Wave and Ocean Analogy:
    Magdi uses this analogy to illustrate the idea that we are not separate from the formless reality, just as waves are not separate from the ocean.
  • Tranquility:
    He guides listeners to experience a sense of peace and tranquility by connecting with their true nature.


A meditative contemplation with Magdi

Join us for a free Zoom Satsang:
– Guided Meditation (~20 min)
– Sharing, Q&A (~40 min).

Shamelessly click
a few minutes before the meeting starts.

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More by Magdi Badawy


Join us for a soul-stirring session with Magdi, as we delve into the profound connection between Love and Happiness in the realm of Non-Duality. Through meditative contemplation, we will explore the essence of Satsang and Self Exploration, leading us towards a deeper understanding of Consciousness and Spiritual Enlightenment. This session promises to be an enlightening experience, guiding you towards the pure essence of Happiness that lies within the realms of Non-dualism.
Let’s come together in unity and bask in the radiance of Love and understanding.

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Created: November 18, 2024 
Last modified: November 21, 2024

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  1. […] Satsang: Beyond all dreams (11/17/2024) resistance seeking struggle ←Suffering is a misunderstanding. […]

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