Meister Eckhart ~ Existence is God ~ Christian Mystics –

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Meister Eckhart ~ Existence is God ~ Christian Mystics

Posted by Holger:


“Selected verses and teachings taken from
The Complete Mystical Works of Meister Eckhart,
spoken by Samaneri Jayasāra

Johannes Eckhart was one of the greatest of Christian mystics. He was born at Hochheim in Thüringen, Germany, in 1260 and died c.1327. He entered the Dominican order when he was 15. Later he became a distinguished professor and taught at different universities. His direct and accessible teachings of a person’s closeness to God inspired many people and he became well known throughout Europe. He was later summoned to an inquisition for heretical teachings, at which he vigorously defended himself.”

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Created: May 12, 2023 
Last modified: May 12, 2023

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