Friendly Circle 03/24/2024 –

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Friendly Circle 03/24/2024

Posted by Holger:

Sunday, March 24, 2024 8:00 am (California Time)  

“On Sunday 11am-12 EST (perhaps early for west coast)
I join a small group with 4-5 people called ‘friendly circles’
and we take turns sharing and reflecting.
You would be most welcome to take a peak and see how it feels.
The energy feels different than the Rupert Spira group:
less contrasting, less academic/mind-stuff, more unifying.
Just let me know.
It’s great connecting with you…”

George @ Garden Of Friends
(April 30, 2021)

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Created: March 23, 2024 
Last modified: March 23, 2024

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