Fighting for Peace! –

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Fighting for Peace!

Posted by Holger:

“Meditating to become enlightened
is just as counterproductive
as fighting for peace.”

Leo Hartong

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Created: April 26, 2023 
Last modified: April 26, 2023

This post has 2 Comments. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

2 responses to “Fighting for Peace!”

  1. Magdi Badawy Avatar
    Magdi Badawy

    There is a misunderstanding about meditation, which is the belief in a meditator doing a certain activity in order to attain a certain state.
    The understanding about this erroneous belief (in the illusion of a separate doer/meditator) disengages this belief. Upon the disengagement of this belief, we are meditation, all is meditation.
    Our true nature (without the superimposition of any identification), without the belief that this true nature is phenomenal, is meditation.

  2. Sam Avatar

    Thanks 🙂

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