Your own concept is what you see… –

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Your own concept is what you see…

Posted by Holger:

Believing or knowing?
What do you “do” with such a text:


“DON’T Hurry.
You are going to live forever—somewhere.

In fact, you are in eternity now; so why rush?
Don’t Worry.
What will this thing matter in twenty years’ time?

You belong to God, and God is Love; so why fret?
Don’t Condemn.
As you cannot get under the other fellow’s skin,
you cannot possibly know what difficulties he has
had to meet—how much temptation, or misunderstanding,
or stupidity within himself he has had to overcome.

You are not perfect yourself and
might be much worse in his shoes.

Judge not!
Don’t Resent.

If wrong has been done,
the Great Law will surely take care of it.

Rise up in consciousness and set both yourself
and the delinquent free.

Forgiveness is the strongest medicine.
Don’t Grumble.
Consume your own smoke.

Your own concept is what you see;
so treat, and change that.
Don’t Grab.

You cannot hold what does not belong
to you by right of consciousness anyway.

Grabbing postpones your good.
Don’t shove.

You are always in your right place at the moment.
If you don’t like it, change it scientifically
by rising in consciousness.
This will be permanent.”

One Source

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Created: January 31, 2023 
Last modified: January 31, 2023

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