You don’t experience suffering –

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You don’t experience suffering

Posted by Holger:

“You don’t experience suffering… you suffer your experiences!”

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Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Created: November 3, 2022 
Last modified: November 15, 2022

This post has 1 Comment. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

One response to “You don’t experience suffering”

  1. Magdi Badawy Avatar
    Magdi Badawy

    The illusion of suffering is from the perspective of an illusory separate self. Since suffering refers to an imaginary me, suffering is as illusory as the imaginary sufferer.
    While in fact there is no personal sufferer, consciousness, via the virtual game of suffering which it creates, invites itself to play the game of ignorance.
    There is nothing at stake for anyone.
    It is the play of consciousness, and we are avatars playing the game of consciousness. In fact, we are the entirety, the totality, the one and only reality.

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