Vedanta –

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Posted by Holger:

The word “Vedanta” is a Sanskrit term that consists of two words: “Veda” and “anta”. “Veda” means knowledge, and “anta” means end or conclusion. Therefore, “Vedanta” literally means the “conclusion of knowledge” or the “culmination of knowledge”.

Vedanta is a term used to describe the philosophical and spiritual traditions that are based on the Upanishads, which are a collection of ancient Hindu texts. The Upanishads form the final part of the Vedas, which are the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism.

Vedanta is a non-dualistic philosophy that emphasizes the unity of all existence, and the ultimate goal of realizing one’s true nature as the eternal, unchanging, and infinite Self, known as Brahman. It teaches that the individual soul, or Atman, is identical with Brahman, and that the apparent differences between individuals and objects are illusory and arise from ignorance.

Vedanta is a diverse and complex philosophy, and there are different schools of thought within it, such as Advaita Vedanta, Vishishtadvaita Vedanta, and Dvaita Vedanta, which differ in their understanding of the relationship between the individual self and the ultimate reality. Nonetheless, all Vedantic traditions share the common goal of realizing the non-dual nature of existence and the ultimate liberation from suffering and ignorance.


In one paragraph, what is Vishishtadvaita Vedanta?

Vishishtadvaita Vedanta is a school of Hindu philosophy that emphasizes the concept of qualified non-dualism, which means that while the ultimate reality (Brahman) is one and all-pervading, the individual souls and the material world are also real and have a dependent reality within Brahman. This philosophy holds that the ultimate goal of human life is to realize the unity of the individual soul with Brahman through devotion, knowledge, and ethical conduct. The teachings of Vishishtadvaita Vedanta have had a significant influence on Hindu theology, philosophy, and spirituality, and continue to be studied and practiced by many in India and around the world.


In one paragraph, what is Dvaita Vedanta?

Dvaita Vedanta is a school of Hindu philosophy that emphasizes the concept of dualism, which means that the ultimate reality (Brahman) is different from the individual souls and the material world. According to Dvaita Vedanta, the individual souls are eternal and distinct entities that are dependent on Brahman for their existence and liberation. This philosophy holds that devotion to a personal God, such as Vishnu or Krishna, is the most effective way to attain liberation, and that ethical conduct and knowledge are also important aspects of spiritual practice. The teachings of Dvaita Vedanta have had a significant impact on the development of Vaishnavism, one of the major traditions within Hinduism, and continue to be studied and practiced by many in India and around the world.

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Created: March 23, 2023 
Last modified: March 23, 2023

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