The Strange Ticking Sound –

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The Strange Ticking Sound

Posted by Holger:

Reposted from NOVEMBER 4, 2017:

Thereā€™s this story about a Russian astronaut, the first man to ever go into space. After launching, heā€™s totally alone in his huge spaceship, of which only a very tiny cabine is habitable. Heā€™s looking at the curvature of Earth, the first ever to look at his home planet. Heā€™s lost in that moment, thinking about life in the void of outer space. And then, a strange ticking starts. Tickā€¦ tickā€¦ tickā€¦ Every few seconds. Itā€™s coming from one of the panels, one of the dashboards. He takes a screwdriver and opens a panel to see where it is, what is, to try and find the sound to make it stop. But he canā€™t find it, and cannot stop the sound. Tickā€¦ tickā€¦ tickā€¦ He figures itā€™ll go over, but a few hours on, the ticking still continues. Itā€™s starting to drive him mad. Heā€™s in space alone, in a tiny capsule, with twenty days left in his mission. The ticking continues. Tickā€¦ tickā€¦ tickā€¦ A few days go by, and he knows that this sound will break him if he doesnā€™t find a solution quickly. Tickā€¦ tickā€¦ tickā€¦ But then, the astronaut decides that his only hope is to simplyā€¦ fall in love with the sound. So he closes his eyes, goes into imagination ā€” and opens the sound again. He doesnā€™t hear the ticking anymore, but he hears beautiful music. And from then on, heā€™s sailing through space in total bliss, and peace…

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Created: May 26, 2023 
Last modified: May 26, 2023

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