The mind is a bundle of conflicting interests… –

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The mind is a bundle of conflicting interests…

Posted by Holger:

“The control of the mind is not important;
what is important is to find out the interests of the mind.

The mind is a bundle of conflicting interests,
and merely to strengthen one interest against another
is what we call concentration, the process of discipline.

Discipline is the cultivation of resistance,
and where there is resistance there is no understanding.
A well-disciplined mind is not a free mind,
and it is only in freedom that any discovery can be made.

There must be spontaneity to uncover the movements of the self,
at whatever level it may be placed.
Though there may be unpleasant discoveries,
the movements of the self must be exposed and understood;
but disciplines destroy the spontaneity in which discoveries are made.

Disciplines, however exacting, fix the mind in a pattern.
The mind will adjust itself to that for which it has been trained;
but that to which it adjusts itself is not the real.

Disciplines are mere impositions and so can never be the means of denudation.
Through self-discipline the mind can strengthen itself in its purpose;
but this purpose is self-projected and so it is not the real.

The mind creates reality in its own image,
and disciplines merely give vitality to that image.”



Thank you Irena (-;

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Thank you Irena (-;




Created: February 17, 2023 
Last modified: February 17, 2023

This post has 2 Comments. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

2 responses to “The mind is a bundle of conflicting interests…”

  1. Ron Avatar

    From Merriam-Webster:
    What’s the difference between a goblin and a hobgoblin?
    While a goblin is often portrayed in folklore as a grotesque, evil, and malicious creature, a hobgoblin tends to traffic more in mischief than malice. (The character Puck in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream might be regarded as a hobgoblin.) First appearing in English in the early 16th century, hobgoblin combined hob, a word meaning “sprite” or “elf” that derived from Hobbe, a nickname for Robert, with goblin a word ultimately from the Greek word kobalos, meaning “rogue.” American writer Ralph Waldo Emerson famously applied the word’s extended sense in his essay Self-Reliance: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.”

  2. Magdi Avatar

    Discipline which arises out of love is love itself manifesting/appearing as discipline.
    What matters is the origin of your activity.
    When the source is impersonal, it is a flow which may include discipline. When it is personal, it may be a good idea to explore the reality of this personal doer and this personal desire.

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