Free: The Journey Of Awakening, 11/10 to 12/2023 –

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Free: The Journey Of Awakening, 11/10 to 12/2023

Posted by Holger:

Friday, November 10, 2023 12:00 am (California Time)  

“With over 15 profound teachers
scheduled over a 3-day period,
we couldn’t be more inspired!”


“Our vision is for all beings
to awaken to know
their true nature
in this lifetime and
live as an embodiment
of this Self-realization.

We believe that immediate access
to the inner peace and happiness
we all long for is available
through the simple recognition
of the Awareness of Love’s Presence,
our essential nature, Awareness.”


Bill Free,
Francis Lucille,
Lisa Natoli,
Rupert Spira,
Angelo Dilullo, MD,
Judith Blackstone,
Oliver Blue,
Shakti Caterina Maggi,
Tom Das,
Helen Hamilton,
Louise Kay,
Amoda Maa,
Jon Mundy, PhD,
Kavi Jezzie Hockaday,
Jenny Beal,
Marie Chase,
Maria Felipe,
Lyndsey Free,
Jennifer Hadley,
Amy Haible,
Dr. Christine E. Kiesinger,
Cyndi Krupp,
Rona Marren,
Jenny Sheehan,
Steve Taylor,
Susan Telford.


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Created: November 9, 2023 
Last modified: November 9, 2023

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