The art of not allowing… –

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The art of not allowing…

Posted by Holger:

“Prayer and meditation
is the art of
not allowing experience
to intervene with
the shining of being.”

Effortless, easy, natural;
like holding a new-born baby in your arms.
Awe, Love, Peace.


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Created: April 15, 2023 
Last modified: April 15, 2023

This post has 2 Comments. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

2 responses to “The art of not allowing…”

  1. Magdi Badawy Avatar
    Magdi Badawy

    Dear Holger,
    If I may share the following comment about ‘not allowing experience to interfere with the shining of being’.
    One may wonder, who is it who does this ‘non-allowing’? Is there such a thing as someone who allows and not-allows?
    Also, one may wonder if anything can interfere with the shining of the sun or the shining of being?
    And what is this shining of being that we speak of?
    On one hand it is being, knowing itself. And it does so (effortlessly) by the simple fact that being is and by the simple fact that being is self-knowing.
    On the other hand, the shining of being is creation which goes hand in hand with knowing. After all, what is creation if it is not known?
    Prayer and meditation are not two and are our natural state. The effortless universal state, what is referred to in Buddhism as the essential nature, our essential nature and the essential nature of everything.
    Love, Magdi

    1. Holger Avatar

      Thank you Magdi!

      Yes, what a mystery, this one-dering ❤️

      Yes, all words are inadequate; and every concept having its opposite.

      When/how does mind know when to stop.


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