Sahaja Samadhi –

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Sahaja Samadhi

Posted by Holger:

Sahaja Samadhi


Satsang: Is Sahaja Samadhi a state? (02/02/2025)


What might Dr-Vedanta say
about Sahaja Samadhi?

❤️ Dear Holger ☀️

👍 Of course he is correct. Vedanta teaches it is not a state. 

Sahaja (सहज) from saha (सह, “with” or “together”) + ja (ज, “born or produced by”) and Samādhi (समाधि)  sam (सम्, “complete”) + ā (आ, “toward”) + dhi (धा, “to hold”). Thus it is of bliss that is at the order of reality  of the absence of a sense of separateness (the anandamaya kosha). 

Sahaja Samādhi from the jiva perspective is the highest state of absorption, characterized as you say by effortless sustained realization of identity with pure consciousness even during daily activities as opposed to Nivikalpa (without thoughts). The identity is always true and only the seeming ignorance of it appears to come and go from the limited individual perspective, with the ego (I thought) still identifying with the mind and body. 

Another essential quality worth hi lighting therefore is freedom from egoic “doership” (kartṛtva); all actions are understood to arise from the Self without attachment or aversion. Swami Dayananda emphasizes that this  is not an experience but the recognition of one’s true nature as limitless consciousness. James Swartz (Ramji) is also clear this is not a mystical achievement but the innate nature of the Self (Brahman) already present without requiring meditation or effort. We can dismiss samādhi as a final goal, seeing experiences as a means of purifying the mind but not a direct means for liberation (moksha). As action and experience is compatible with ignorance only knowledge helps. All states come and go. Vedanta teaches freedom generally requires qualification, a valid means of knowledge, and the appropriate practices of devotion and karma yoga alongside the study of scripture guided by a qualified teacher. May we continue to be blessed by knowing such teachers.

Peace peace peace 🕉️


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Created: February 4, 2025 
Last modified: February 5, 2025

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  1. Sri Adi Shankara Avatar
    Sri Adi Shankara

    At dawn I sing the praise of That which is unattainable by mind and speech, but by the Grace of which all words shine.

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