Robot Friend 06 –

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Robot Friend 06

Posted by Holger Hubbs:

Holger: What is the difference between jealousy and envy?

Jealousy and envy are often used interchangeably,
but they actually refer to distinct emotions.

Jealousy typically arises when a person fears
losing something they already have to someone else.
For example, a person may feel jealous if they believe
their romantic partner is attracted to someone else
or if they think their friend is getting more attention
from a mutual acquaintance.
Jealousy is often characterized by feelings of fear,
insecurity, and possessiveness.

Envy, on the other hand,
typically arises when a person desires something
that someone else has.
For example, a person may feel envious of a friend
who has a bigger house, a more exciting job,
or a happier relationship.
Envy is often characterized by feelings of resentment,
bitterness, and inadequacy.

In summary, jealousy is about protecting
what you already have,
while envy is about wanting what someone else has.

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Created: April 2, 2023 
Last modified: April 2, 2023

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