Painting with words: Born from Above –

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Painting with words: Born from Above

Posted by Holger:

Jesus answered and said to him,
“Truly, truly, I say to you,
except anyone be born from above,
he is not able to see
the kingdom of God”.
John 3:3


born = know your origin / Source
above = non-phenomenal / beyond mind
kingdom = natural state / no lack
God = not-me, the cause of the phenomena of life.


The Mother Archetype vs The Mother Complex
Carl Jung | Robert A. Johnson

One Source

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Created: July 15, 2023 
Last modified: July 16, 2023

This post has 3 Comments. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

3 responses to “Painting with words: Born from Above”

  1. Ron Avatar

    Truly, truly, I say to you,
    except anyone know their Source beyond mind they are not able to see the natural state, the cause of the phenomena of life.

    Hi Holger, maybe you can write a fresh translation of your favorite bible quotes?

    1. Holger Avatar

      Great idea Ron (-;
      This would be a good project, with some peer review.

  2. SeenAM Avatar

    Beautiful. 🕯️

    Building on Ron’s note, maybe there can be a technique/platform/code, so a single sentence can be seen as both: the quote (here the bible one) and the translation including the hidden meanings (here the Holger’s narration), easily interchangeable to carry out the new understanding of many-times-heard quotes. For those who listen of course 😉💎


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