O sages… how would you answer these questions? – nondual.community

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O sages… how would you answer these questions?

Posted by Holger:

Sunday, February 26, 2023 3:45 pm (California Time)  

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O sages…how would you answer these questions?

Is rest identical with the Supreme State?

What is the difference between witnessing and rest?

What is the nature of experience?

Is the great saying (Mahavakya) tat-sat a mere mode of mental activity?

Is the conviction ‘I am That’ false?

What is courage?

Can pure Being be described?

Can Being be experienced?

Can bliss be known?

Can a wise man/woman help me?

What is the highest generosity?

Is there no self-concern left?

Who am I?

What is love?

What is compassion?

What is happiness?

What is the real cause of suffering?

What is the supreme remedy for all these ills?

Where to find noble friendship?

Shanti     Shanti     Shanti


Chapter 27    
The Beginningless Begins Forever

Q: Is rest identical with the Supreme State?

NM: There is rest as a state of mind (chidaram)
and there is rest as a state of being (atmaram).
The former comes and goes, while the true rest is the very heart of action. 
Unfortunately, language is a mental tool and works only in opposites.   104


Q: What is the difference between witnessing and rest?

NM: Witnessing is an experience and rest is freedom from experience.   104


Q: What is the nature of experience?

NM: Beyond the mind there is no such thing as experience.
Experience is a dual state.
You cannot talk of Reality as an experience.   104


Q: Is the great saying (Mahavakya) tat-sat a mere mode of mental activity?

NM: Whatever is spoken is speech only.
Whatever is thought is thought only. 
The real meaning is unexplainable, though experienceable.
The Mahavakya is true, but your ideas are false,
for all ideas (kalpana) are false. 105


Q: Is the conviction: ‘I am That’ false?

NM: Of course.
Conviction is a mental state. 
In ‘That’ there is no ‘I am’. 
With the sense ‘I am’ emerging, ‘That’ is obscured,
as with the sun rising the stars are wiped out.
But as with the sun comes light,
so with the sense of self comes bliss (chidananda).  

The cause of bliss is sought in the ‘not – I’
and thus the bondage begins.   105


Q: What is courage?

NM: I live on courage. 
Courage is my essence, which is love of life. 
I am free of memories and anticipations,
unconcerned with what I am and what I am not…
I have the courage to be as nothing
and to see the world as it is: nothing. 

It sounds simple, just try it!    105


Q: Can Pure Being be described?

NM: Being shines as knowing, knowing is warm in love.
It is all one.
You imagine separations and trouble yourself with questions. 
Don’t concern yourself overmuch with formulations.
Pure Being cannot be described.   105-6


Q: Can Being be experienced?

NM: You are dragging down reality to the level of experience…
Experience is, after all, a state of mind,
while being is definitely not a state of mind.   106


Q: Can bliss be known?

NM: The undisturbed state of being is bliss;
the disturbed state is what appears as the world.
In non-duality there is bliss; in duality – experience.

What comes and goes is experience
with its duality of pain and pleasure. 

Bliss is not to be known.
One is always bliss, but never blissful.
Bliss is not an attribute.   106


Q: Can a wise man help me?

NM: There are no others to help…
How can a wise man (jnani) be said to help,
when he is not apart?
Who thinks of himself as separate from world,
let him help the world…

The only thing that can help is to wake up from the dream.   107


Q: What is the highest generosity?

NM: I began just now.
All else is memory…
The beginningless begins forever.
In the same way, I give eternally,
because I have nothing. 

To be nothing,
to have nothing,
to keep nothing for oneself is the greatest gift,
the highest generosity.   107


Q: Is there no self-concern left?

NM: Of course, I am self-concerned,
but the self is all. 
In practice it takes the shape of goodwill,
unfailing and universal.

You may call it love, all-pervading, all-redeeming. 
Such love is supremely active – without the sense of doing.   107


Chapter 28   
All Suffering Is Born of Desire

Q: Who am I?

NM: Neither the perceived, nor the perceiver…
Not even the perceiving, but That which makes all this possible.   109


Q: What is love?

NM: When the sense of distinction and separation is absent, you may call it love.  109


Q: What is compassion?

NM: Love may cause pain.
You call it then compassion.


Q: What is happiness?

NM: Harmony between the inner and the outer.  110


Q: What is the real cause of suffering?

NM: Self-identification with the limited.   110


Q: What is the supreme remedy for all this?

NM: Noble friendship (satsang) is the supreme remedy
for all ills, physical and mental.   110


Q: Where to find noble friendship?

NM: Seek within. Your own Self is your best friend.   110


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Created: February 26, 2023 
Last modified: February 26, 2023

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  1. Maha Avatar

    Thanks 👍👍

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