No natural enemy –

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No natural enemy

Posted by Holger:

“Each of us must have a certain thing to carry.
A certain weight.
Something that will help us to dig deep,
to find and to wake up our discerning power.
We need some friction for that.
Life provides that for us,
for our own growth.
Actually it is a form of love
but we were too immature
to appreciate, to see it.
Everything that comes to our life
is served by love, even painful things.
That we may grow, that we may transcend.
The minute we begin to say thank you for them,
then we are released from them.

We have no natural enemy in the universe
except our own thinking.

We must transcend the dark ways of the mind.
And to transcend without cynicism.”

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Created: September 10, 2023 
Last modified: September 10, 2023

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