…neither subjective nor objective – nondual.community

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…neither subjective nor objective

Posted by Holger:

“We do not need to go out and find love;
rather, we need to be still
and let love discover us.”

John O’Donohue (1956-2008)
Irish Poet and Philosopher


“And this moment is not a moment in time.
It has no duration.
Duration is just a mind impression,
a narrative about this moment,
which has no duration.

Which is a moment of being not in time,
being outside of time.


Meaning I know I am.

This magical knowingness.
I know that there is something rather than nothing.

And the knowing element is what we refer to as I,
I being,
this effortless awareness.”


“(6) Now godliness with contentment is great gain.
(7) For we brought nothing into this world,
and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
(8) And having food and clothing, [and Wifi]
with these we shall be content.”
1 Timothy 6


“No need to make a great noise, but only
do the work which has been given you.
Keep on keeping on.
Care neither for praise nor blame,
but work for the very love of service
to the whole of creation.”
White Eagle


“…peace and happiness cannot be found
in the mind which is contaminated
by the sense of separation,
which is infected by the belief in mortality,
the fear of ending.

The endless personal desires.
Which once fulfilled are quickly replaced
with the next unfulfilled desire.

And we rest and relax,
in this, and as this,
ordinary effortless awareness,
without the need to do anything,
because awareness is right here,
right now effortlessly.”


One Source

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Created: October 9, 2023 
Last modified: October 9, 2023

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