Myself and Mind… –

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Myself and Mind…

Posted by Holger:

From a nondual perspective,
what is the difference between myself and mind?

From a nondual perspective,
there is no fundamental difference
between the self and the mind.
Both are ultimately manifestations
of the same underlying consciousness
or awareness that is the basis of all existence.

The self is often considered to be
the ultimate reality or essence of a person,
while the mind is seen as a product
or expression of that essence.

In this sense,
the mind is not something that exists
independently of the self,
but rather arises as a result
of the self’s interactions with the world.

At the same time,
it is important to recognize that the self
and the mind are not identical.

The mind can be thought of as a tool or vehicle
that the self uses to interact with the world,
to process information and to create experiences.

In this way,
the mind can be seen as a dynamic and changing
aspect of the self, while the self is the unchanging,
eternal essence that underlies all experience.

In summary, from a nondual perspective,
the self and the mind are ultimately one and the same,
with the mind being a manifestation of the self
and the self being the ultimate reality that encompasses
all aspects of existence.
While there is no fundamental difference between the two,
it can be useful to recognize that the mind is a dynamic
and changing aspect of the self,
while the self is the unchanging,
eternal essence that underlies all experience.

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Created: March 18, 2023 
Last modified: March 18, 2023

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