Movie Recommendations @ –

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Movie Recommendations @

Posted by Holger:

“And as imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown,
the poet’s pen turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
a local habitation and a name.”


Finally, the wait is over! now offers a free,
fresh and powerful interface for a potentially amazing
“Movie Recommendations Database”
with a focus on heart, inspiration, insight and friendship.

As of right now the database is wonderfully
empty, open, clear; full of potential.

The world is ready and eager for you
to share your pearls, your favorite movies.
Please feel welcome and encouraged
to remember and recall movies
that left an imprint in you.

Just get started and
kiss your resistance bye-bye.
Jump in!
It’s free and pretty straight forward:

I am happy to help if needed,
i.e. to fill-in the boring factual blanks
like movie year, genre, link to a trailer, etc.


Check out
and go back memory lane with fresh eyes.
(You can also share anonymously, but that’s less fun).


If you have any questions or suggestions please contact me.

As of right now there is only a way to enter data.
Let’s see what comes out of it, together.

Let me kNow:


PS: I spent decades lost/addicted to the telly;
I haven’t watched a movie for a while,
but it still has its appeal for many;
let’s curate a list with good movies,
to dis-cover that what we really want
is always available, here and now,
as the movie screen – Awareness,
in practical daily living.

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“And as imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown,
the poet’s pen turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
a local habitation and a name.”

Created: August 15, 2023 
Last modified: August 15, 2023

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