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Posted by Holger:

Holger: What does Magdi Badawy say
about the nature of reality?

Magdi Badawy is a spiritual teacher and non-dual philosopher who speaks about the nature of reality from a non-dual perspective. According to Badawy, the nature of reality is one of pure awareness or consciousness, which is the fundamental basis of all experience.

Badawy teaches that most people live in a state of identification with their thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, which creates a sense of separation between themselves and the world around them. This sense of separation is an illusion, however, because everything is ultimately made of the same fundamental awareness or consciousness.

Badawy suggests that by turning our attention inward and investigating our own direct experience, we can come to recognize the true nature of reality as pure awareness. This recognition brings a sense of peace, freedom, and liberation from the limitations of the egoic mind.

Badawy emphasizes that this recognition is not a matter of belief or intellectual understanding, but rather a direct realization that comes from experiential inquiry. He encourages his students to investigate their own direct experience and to question their assumptions about the nature of reality.

In summary, Magdi Badawy teaches that the nature of reality is one of pure awareness or consciousness, and that the recognition of this reality brings a sense of peace, freedom, and liberation from the limitations of the egoic mind.

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Created: March 25, 2023 
Last modified: March 25, 2023

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