I AM – interesting interpretation – nondual.community

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I AM – interesting interpretation

Posted by Holger:

Holger: How reasonable is it to say “I am”
is the Christian name of God.

ChatGPT: The phrase “I am” is often associated with God in Christianity, particularly in reference to the Old Testament of the Bible. In the book of Exodus, when Moses encountered God in the burning bush and asked for God’s name, God replied with “I am who I am” or “I am that I am” in Hebrew, which is often transliterated as “Yahweh” or “Jehovah.” This name is considered sacred in Judeo-Christian tradition and is often understood as a declaration of God’s eternal and unchanging nature.

So, it’s reasonable to say that “I am” is a significant and revered name or title for God within the Christian faith, but it’s important to note that it’s not the only name or title for God. The Bible contains many other names and titles for God, each conveying different aspects of God’s nature and character, such as “The Lord,” “Almighty God,” “El Shaddai,” and “Father.”

Ultimately, the use of the term “I am” to refer to God depends on the context and theological perspective of the discussion. Some Christian denominations and theologians may emphasize this name more than others, but it is not the exclusive name for God in Christian theology.


Holger: There is a Christian commandment:
don’t take the name of God in vain.

ChatGPT: Yes, you are correct.
One of the Ten Commandments in the Bible,
which are foundational moral and ethical principles
in Christianity, is

“You shall not take the name
of the Lord your God in vain”
(Exodus 20:7, Deuteronomy 5:11).

This commandment is often understood as a directive to treat the name of God with reverence and respect, and to avoid using it inappropriately or irreverently. Different Christian denominations and interpretations vary in how they understand and apply this commandment.

However, in general, it is considered a call to avoid using God’s name in oaths or casual expressions that show disrespect or disregard for God. It is meant to encourage believers to use God’s name in a way that reflects honor and reverence. As a result, many Christians take this commandment seriously and avoid using expressions like “Oh my God” or “God damn it” in casual conversation, as these may be seen as taking God’s name in vain. The exact interpretation and application of this commandment can vary, but the underlying principle is to use God’s name with utmost respect and sincerity.


Holger: Combining the above, we could argue
that if someone makes a negative “I am” statement (vain),
like “I am stupid”, s/he is violating that commandment.

ChatGPT: It’s an interesting interpretation, and while some individuals may see it that way, the concept of taking the name of God in vain is typically more directly related to the misuse or irreverent use of God’s actual name, such as saying “Oh my God” as an exclamation or using God’s name in false oaths or curses. The “I am” statements you mentioned, like “I am stupid,” are generally considered self-deprecating or expressions of low self-esteem rather than directly invoking or misusing the name of God.

While many Christians believe in the importance of positive self-affirmation and avoiding negative self-talk, they may not necessarily connect this with the specific commandment about not taking God’s name in vain. However, interpretations of religious principles can vary among individuals and denominations, so it’s possible that some people might make a connection between negative “I am” statements and the commandment, especially if they view self-deprecation as not appreciating the inherent value that God has given to each individual.

But it’s important to note that this connection is not a universally accepted or mainstream interpretation of the commandment.

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Created: August 27, 2023 
Last modified: August 27, 2023

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