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Hegel and Artificial In-tell-i-gence

Posted by Holger:

On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 6:47pm, Ron wrote:

Hi Holger
This is copy and paste from The Phenomenology of Spirit by Hegel.
Good luck!
Try reading it first and see if it makes sense to you. 
Curious to see what AI turns out. 

Thank you Ron, here is an Ai Summary:

Hegel’s concept of the ethical substance of spirit divides itself into two sides: the law of singularity and the law of universality. The former is the self-consciousness of the individual, while the latter is the universal possibility of the ethical order. The ethical State-power is the manifestation of this spirit, while the divine law is its opposite, representing the inner concept of the ethical order and immediate ethical Being in the form of the family.

Ron, I started reading your text (click on “One Source” to see).
I had the best intention of wanting to understand.
Then I switched to just reading.
… then I stopped and skipped the last section.

Did I miss a lesson in patience and openness?
This was published in 1910.

The Ai summary feels more digestible (it has a different flow).

Suddenly I feel a lot of gratitude for contemporary nonduality (-;
Peace and inner space vs boxed into the mind?

Would it be therapeutical to read it again?

Ai has also an option “make shorter”:

¶446. Spirit divides into consciousness and ethical perception. Sense perception reduces properties to singularity and universality, and ethical perception to a law of singularity and a law of universality. Spirit remains intact in both. ¶447. Singularity is general self-consciousness, not contingent. It is actual substance, the spirit of the commonwealth realized, and the certainty of itself in the people as a whole. ¶448. This spirit is the human law, the well-known law, and the prevailing custom. It is also government and its manifest validity. ¶449. Opposing this is the divine law, the counterweight to individual Being-for-itself, and the inner essence of the ethical order. ¶450. Both contain the entire substance and its moments, with the commonwealth as conscious doing and the family as immediate ethical Being.

One Source

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Image Source: Marcel Molina Jr via Flickr.com

Original Hegel text:

¶446. The simple substance of spirit divides itself as consciousness. Or, just as the consciousness of abstract Being, of sensory Being, passes over into perception, so too does the immediate certainty of real ethical Being; and just as for sense- perception simple Being becomes a thing of many properties, so for ethical percep- tion the case of action is an actuality with many ethical relations. For the former, however, the useless multiplicity of properties concentrates itself into the essential opposition of singularity and universality; and still more for ethical perception, which is the purified substantial consciousness, the multiplicity of ethical moments becomes the duality of a law of singularity and a law of universality. But each of these masses of substance remains spirit in its entirety; if in sense-perception things have no other substance than the two determinations of singularity and universality, here these determinations express only the superficial opposition of the two sides towards each other.

¶447. In the essence we are considering here, singularity has the significance of self- consciousness in general, not of a singular contingent consciousness. In this deter- mination, therefore, the ethical substance is actual substance, the absolute spirit realized in the multiplicity of consciousness that is-there; this spirit is the essence of the commonwealth which, when we entered the practical configuration of reason in general, was for us the absolute essence, and here has emerged for itself in its truth as conscious ethical essence, and as the essence for the consciousness which is here our object. The commonwealth is spirit which is for itself in that it maintains itself in the counterglow of individuals,—and it is in itself or substance, in that it maintains them within itself. As the actual substance it is a people, and as actual consciousness a citizen of that people. This consciousness has its essence in the simple spirit, and the certainty of itself in the actuality of this spirit, in the people as a whole, and immediately therein it has its truth, thus not in something that is not actual, but in a spirit that exists and prevails.

¶448. This spirit can be called the human law, because it is essentially in the form of actuality conscious of itself. In the form of universality it is the well-known law, and the prevailing custom; in the form of singularity it is the actual certainty of itself in the individual in general, and the certainty of itself as simple individuality is that spirit as government; its truth is its manifest validity, exposed to the light of day; an existence which for immediate certainty assumes the form of Being-there set free.

¶449. Confronting this ethical power and manifestability there is, however, another power, the divine law. For the ethical State-power, as the movement of conscious doing, has its opposite in the simple and immediate essence of the ethical order; as actual universality State-power is a counterweight to individual Being-for-itself; and as actuality in general it still has in the inner essence something other than what it is itself.

¶450. It has already been mentioned that each of the opposite ways in which the ethical substance exists contains the entire substance, and all the moments of its content. If, then, the commonwealth is substance as actual doing conscious of itself, the other side has the form of immediate substance or substance that simply is. The latter is thus on the one hand the inner concept or the universal possibility of the ethical order in general, but on the other hand equally has within it the moment of self-consciousness. This moment, expressing the ethical order in this element of immediacy or of Being, or an immediate consciousness of itself, both as essence and as this Self in an other, i.e. as a natural ethical commonwealth,—this is the family. The family, as the unconscious, still inner concept, stands opposed to its self- conscious actuality; as the element of the people’s actuality, it stands opposed to the people itself; as immediate ethical Being, it stands over against the ethical order that forms and maintains itself by labour for the universal;—the Penates stand opposed to the universal spirit.

Created: January 10, 2023 
Last modified: January 10, 2023

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One response to “Hegel and Artificial In-tell-i-gence”

  1. Ron Rubin Avatar
    Ron Rubin

    I am simpatico with you.
    I studied philosophy in college. It left me feeling empty…like what are you talking about?
    Thank heavens for teachers like Nisargadatta. They give you the Truth clear and simple. Then it’s up to us to make use of it.
    The AI ‘sounds’ much clearer…but when you stop and try and understand it…you’re still left feeling dumbstruck!
    Three cheers for the Direct Path!
    Thanks for your effort and response.

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