Happily entertained in the wilderness… – nondual.community

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Happily entertained in the wilderness…

Posted by Holger:

I remember Einstein’s words:
“you cannot solve a problem
on the level of the problem.”


It seems we can be forever busy with words,
and love to overlook the obvious.


What a wasteland of educated darkness:


I heard an interesting concept
regarding inter-human relationships:
“if it works for one, it works for both.”
Any ideas or references about this?

The concept you mentioned, “if it works for one, it works for both,” appears to be a simplified way of expressing the idea that a successful interpersonal relationship, whether it’s a friendship, romantic partnership, or any other type of relationship, should ideally benefit all parties involved. While it’s not a universally applicable rule, it does reflect a fundamental principle of healthy relationships: reciprocity, mutual satisfaction, and mutual benefit.

Here are some key aspects related to this concept:

Mutual Fulfillment: In a healthy relationship, all individuals involved should feel fulfilled and satisfied with their connection. This means that the relationship isn’t one-sided, where only one person’s needs, desires, or goals are being met while the others are ignored or neglected.

Communication: Effective communication is essential for understanding each other’s needs and desires. When one person communicates their needs and the other person listens and makes an effort to fulfill those needs, it creates a more harmonious and balanced relationship.

Collaboration: Collaboration and cooperation are important aspects of successful relationships. Whether it’s working together to solve problems, achieve common goals, or simply support each other, a sense of working together can lead to a more satisfying and beneficial relationship for all parties.

Empathy: Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, plays a crucial role in ensuring that what works for one person also works for the others. It helps individuals better understand each other’s perspectives and feelings, which can lead to more mutually beneficial outcomes.

Compromise: In any relationship, there will be differences and conflicts. The ability to compromise and find solutions that work for everyone involved is a key factor in maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship.

Respect: Mutual respect is foundational to any successful relationship. When all parties respect each other’s boundaries, needs, and individuality, it creates an environment where the relationship can thrive.

Feedback and Adaptation: Healthy relationships involve a willingness to give and receive constructive feedback and adapt as needed to meet changing needs and circumstances.

While this concept is a valuable guideline for building and maintaining healthy relationships, it’s important to recognize that there can be exceptions. For instance, in situations where one person’s actions are harmful or abusive, prioritizing their needs may not be appropriate or safe. It’s essential to use judgment and seek support or counseling when facing such situations.

In summary, the concept that “if it works for one, it works for both” underscores the importance of mutual benefit and satisfaction in interpersonal relationships. However, it should be considered as a general principle rather than an absolute rule, as each relationship is unique and may require different approaches and considerations.

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Created: August 30, 2023 
Last modified: August 30, 2023

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