Hakim Sanai – The Walled Garden – nondual.community

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Hakim Sanai – The Walled Garden

Posted by Holger:

Samaneri Jayasฤra – Wisdom of the Masters


“Born in Ghazni in the south of Afghanistan
sometime during the eleventh century,
Sanai is considered one of the most influential
early mystics from the Persian region.
Despite his strong influence not much is known
about his life and much is gleaned from his poetry
which is often autobiographical.
His name is generally spoken of in the same breath
as Shaikh Fariduโ€™d-Din โ€˜Attar,
both of whom are have been a major influence
on those mystics and poets who followed
in their tradition.
Rumi acknowledged Hakim Sanai and ‘Attar
as his two primary inspirations, saying,
‘Attar is the soul and Sanai its two eyes,
I came after Sanai and Attar.”


A reading of Sanai’s beautiful and profound,
The Walled Garden of Truth.
Translated by David Pendlebury.


Thank you Magdi!

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Created: April 4, 2023 
Last modified: April 4, 2023

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One response to “Hakim Sanai – The Walled Garden”

  1. Dream Avatar

    beautifully expressing love and Being and unity

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