Gurdjieff in Garden of Friends –

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Gurdjieff in Garden of Friends

Posted by James:

I have spoken of Gurdjieff in Zoom gatherings. If any of you are interested, here are two very good documentaries about Gurdjieff and his teaching.

Most YouTube vidoes on Gurdjieff focus on the ideas.
These do not, they focus on who Gurdjieff was
and the impact of his presence and teaching.

These were produced by the Gurdjieff Group of Paris
and kept private for many years.

The first is mostly biographical:

The second focusses on the impact of Gurdjieff
on those closest to him and the development of the Tradition
since his death. Nonduality comes through here, to a degree:

For me, the second is very moving.

One Source

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Created: March 17, 2024 
Last modified: March 17, 2024

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