Freedom from the person vs freedom in the person –

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Freedom from the person vs freedom in the person

Posted by Holger:

The “person” is self-perpetuating mind-activity.
Freedom in the person is limited,
dependent on favorable circumstances:
security, status, health, pleasure, attitude…

Freedom from the person is effort-less,
unlimited, unaffected by circumstances.
Pleasure and pain are free to dance based on natural conditioning,
but the personal sufferer is debunked;
dissolving investment and involvement.


Mr. Jesus called it “in the world, but not of the world”.

Mr. Buddha: “Events happen, deeds are done,
but there is no individual doer thereof”.

Along those lines.


Very simple, wonderful.


Thank you Stella for the question.

How would you formulate it?

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Ultimately, we have just one moral duty:
to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves,
more and more peace,
and to reflect it toward others.
And the more peace there is in us,
the more peace there will be
in our troubled world.
– Etty Hillesum




Created: June 8, 2023 
Last modified: June 8, 2023

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One response to “Freedom from the person vs freedom in the person”

  1. janet Avatar

    I am not a clunker😁

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