FREE Weekly Book Study on The Gospel According to Thomas –

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FREE Weekly Book Study on The Gospel According to Thomas

Posted by Holger:

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 9:00 am (California Time)  

Bill Free:

Hi Friends,
The Gospel According to Thomas, An Interpretation, by Cameron McColl is starting on April 10th with the author Cameron McColl. After week one with Cameron, we’ll look at 5 sayings a week for a total of 24 weeks and 114 sayings.

A new format – We all love and benefit by the many co-hosts. This time we’re not rotating co-hosts. It will be an open discussion and I’ll invite you to raise your hand to read the next saying or offer your insight. Please don’t be bashful. It’s at the same time as prior bookstudies, Wednesdays at 12:00 PM Eastern with most classes going for 1 hour and occasionally 75 minutes.

This is a free class open to the public and recorded. Please invite your friends who may be interested.

Here’s a link:





For a year I enjoyed studying
Krishna Menon Atmanada
together with Bill Free.

Now he is offering a new book study:
“The Gospel According to Thomas.”

Give it a try ❤️

REGISTER for the free zoom meetings


Begins, April 10, 2024 at 12 PM ET.

This book study will be 24 weeks
on Wednesdays at 12:00 PM Eastern
with most classes going for 1 hour
and occasionally 75 minutes.


The Gospel of Thomas was discovered among the Nag Hammadi library in Egypt in 1945, a collection of early Christian Gnostic texts. It contains 114 sayings attributed to Jesus, some of which resemble sayings found in the canonical gospels, while others are unique. This text has been a subject of study among scholars of early Christianity, offering insights into early Christian beliefs and practices, particularly within Gnostic circles.

While the Gospel of Thomas is not included in the New Testament canon of most mainstream Christian denominations, it is valued by some scholars and individuals interested in early Christian history and alternative perspectives on Jesus’ teachings.

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Created: April 30, 2024 
Last modified: April 30, 2024

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