Dying To Live – Thank you Lisa! – nondual.community

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Dying To Live – Thank you Lisa!

Posted by Holger Hubbs:

$3.49 for Kindle.
Just some snippets from the little I read so far:


Give time and patience to reading this book
and use it as a gateway to what is
a natural state of being that is final,
timeless, unchanging, unborn,
and is the source of everlasting peace and joy.

No matter how comfortable or deluded a person may be,
life will eventually present the unavoidable truth.

…the genuine possibility of being happy and at home
in this life. This is beyond therapy;

Dying to yourself in order to “live yourself” fully, to enjoy a “freedom to be” that you only knew as a very young child, will be a completely familiar experience, and not some exotic and magical “state.” Which is fortunate, because all states of mind, even the mystical, mind-blowing sort, occur in the world of Time, and thus are subject to the laws of the ever-changing flow of events. What we are seeking cannot be a “state,” subject to change and dissolution, but rather, must be Eternally rooted in the world of the Changeless, a realm within our own consciousness that does not come and go, that is always here, and always now.

simply educating clients about the way the mind works,
and assisting them in maintaining focused awareness.

Said another way,
you need not get out of a situation
you were never actually in.

I am asserting that all human beings can be free from suffering,
and this freedom is readily available at all times.

This path is free and does not require any previous preparation,
joining any group or organization, or departure from ordinary life.

is a fundamental failure not to realize
that we are not in actuality
what we have been conditioned
to believe we are.

most people in developed countries work hard
merely to pay for the time to distract themselves.

One Source

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Created: April 8, 2023 
Last modified: April 8, 2023

This post has 2 Comments. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

2 responses to “Dying To Live – Thank you Lisa!”

  1. Jack eaton Avatar
    Jack eaton

    Very nice words which could induce someone to
    Get into the meat of understanding of what fear is
    And how it comes about.
    That would then involve a serious commitment of learning.
    It would also be helpful to a committed person with a understanding of
    What fear is to pick up once in awhile to get a boost.
    Thanks for sharing

    1. Holger Hubbs Avatar
      Holger Hubbs

      Yes, it is rather simple and natural.
      No need to learn much, rather unlearn;
      to see what IS (free of mental commentary).

      It only hinges on identity.
      Do I know myself as I am, or do I think myself as an objective “me”?

      Simply being curious and brave in embracing what mind cannot understand.

      Meeting together in the same interest turned out to be a great gift;
      it seems to take two or more to see the difference between conceptual and experiential.

      What a mystery, this open secret, this feelingless feeling…
      and so much care and love in all the little details of life, effortlessly dancing.

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