Deja Atrás el Pasado, Conecta con el Presente y Expande el Futuro –

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Deja Atrás el Pasado, Conecta con el Presente y Expande el Futuro

Posted by Holger:

“Let Go of the Past,
Connect with the Present,
and Expand the Future.”

By Yung Pueblo

“Diego Perez is the poet and philosopher behind the pen name Yung Pueblo.
The name Yung Pueblo means ‘young people’
and it serves to remind him of his Ecuadorian roots,
his experiences in activism and that the collective of humanity
is in the midst of important growth.
Through writing and speaking he aims to support
the healing of the individual,
realizing that when we release our personal burdens,
we contribute to a global peace.”

Holger: Life is colorful, words are secondary.

I am not personally endorsing the author nor the book;
I just see it as a reminder that
our seeming time together here is short and precious.

Radical honesty: Not Enlightened, But Lighter.

One Source

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Created: December 14, 2022 
Last modified: December 14, 2022

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