07-25-2023 –

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Posted by Holger:

Please add your voice and silence: a.k.a.


Please also enjoy this evolution.

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Just added the text here to be able to search for it:

– Center For Art And Education is yOur commitment to being human

– It acknowledges three legitimate uses of the mind:
– to celebrate
– to be practical
– to share in authentic ways

– It invites:
– to dis-cover the dullness of living without love and beauty
– the bravery to fully examine the sense of “me” and “I don’t like this”
– to debunk suffering as a fun-da-mental misunderstanding

– Center for Art And Education supports practical daily living:
– to meet and interact with human beings
– to allow in-team-a-see, by risking to relax without being lazy
– to refine spiritual understandings and their hands-on integration

Please add your voice and silence: a.k.a.

Created: July 25, 2023 
Last modified: July 25, 2023

This post has 1 Comment. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

One response to “ 07-25-2023”

  1. Holger Avatar

    Dear Holger,

    Here is my sincere response.

    I have always held you in my heart as a friendly, lovely, and
    intelligent person, with perhaps an excess of zeal for your particular
    understanding of nonduality.

    While I don’t really resonate with your ever-changing portraits of what
    you offer people, because the content is so vague, quirky, and
    confrontational, I do recognize that all you want to do is help, which I
    view as the highest calling we can have.

    So I definitely wish you luck in each of your endeavors, including this latest incarnation.


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