born out of time –

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born out of time

Posted by admin:

“Whatever is born out of time, you need not be concerned about. Let life take care of that. Let life take care of life. Keep quiet and let your mind rest inside your heart. Don’t worry. Right now belongs only to now. There are no demands, requirements or conditions. You are simply here. As you confirm this and pay attention to this simple fact, the whole world becomes a harmony right in front of you.”

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Created: May 15, 2024 
Last modified: May 15, 2024

This post has 1 Comment. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

One response to “born out of time”

  1. Elena Greenbury Avatar
    Elena Greenbury

    “Give up your life and you will find Life” Never loosing the awareness of our ever present Life force.
    There is no peace of mind in clinging to life on my terms.
    By the Grace of God there I AM 🌟

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