Being true to… –

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Being true to…

Posted by Holger:

“This isn’t about being perfect
or being successful or being spiritual
— rather it’s about being true
to our innermost nature as love.

Amoda Maa


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Created: July 19, 2023 
Last modified: July 19, 2023

This post has 2 Comments. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

2 responses to “Being true to…”

  1. Magdi Badawy Avatar
    Magdi Badawy

    Belief about I is the veil

    1. Holger Avatar

      What do we refer to when we use the word “I”?

      What am I (experientially)?

      “The only truth in the manifestation
      is the impersonal sense I am,
      all the rest are concepts” ❤️

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