Disclaimer: Welcome to the laboratory, explore with an open heart ❤️

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About this website…

Mental Confetti

Human interactions felt mostly uncomfortable to me, and self-inquiry was unclear.

It turned out that both are invaluable in demystifying suffering; seeing the crucial difference between thinking and experience.

Nondual.Community is a labor of love

Holger Hubbs
+1 (831) 275-0747

Homegrown in Pacific Grove, California

Feel free to email me, maybe just for no reason:

Your financial support is enjoyed, not expected;
no contribution is too small or too big:

Apple Cash

On your iPhone you can send a message to holger@nondual.community

Google Pay

My email for Google Pay is holgerhubbs@gmail.com

Paypal (fee)





Thank you!
Holger Hubbs