Be a Loser – The Philosophy of Henry David Thoreau –

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Be a Loser – The Philosophy of Henry David Thoreau

Posted by Holger:


“In short,
I am convinced,
both by faith and experience,
that to maintain one’s self on this earth
is not a hardship but a pastime,
if we will live simply and wisely.”
Henry David Thoreau


“Henry David Thoreau’s philosophy is centered on the value of simplicity, self-reliance, authenticity, and separating from the influences and conventions of modern life. Thoreau believed that people should focus on what they truly need and value, rather than being drawn into busy, materialistic, and socially driven lifestyles. He believed that individuals should seek to live deliberately, be true to themselves, and to live intentionally in a way that aligns with their values and goals.”

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Created: February 18, 2023 
Last modified: February 18, 2023

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