– 2024-09-26 –

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Posted by Holger:

My words are not meant to make sense,
but to invite inner space and peace:


“Love and do what you will!”
Love is first.



On one level our suffering and inhumanity – all the mess people create – is ridiculous beyond words!



Mind – thinking, feeling, perceiving – is our most important tool to experience this world of name and form.
Being a tool means that we lay it down when it is not needed.



What to “do” when there is a pause…
Can I risk to be comfortable in my own skin?
Simply being myself – effortlessly aware that I am.

Once in a while
to touch base,
to rest in being,
to enjoy the peace – I am.



The struggle in this world,
my own suffering,
is rooted in a subtle misunderstanding.
“A fingernail can hide the sun.”
It takes some humility to see how utterly simple it is.



This “pause” can be annoying or scary for “me”.
Sorry for so many clunky words.

Attention, interest, belief and identity are our greatest powers.
And maybe that’s good enough for right now:
To pause,
to anchor the mind in being,
to experience the peace – I am.

And to oneder how “my” suffering is really just a subtle misunderstanding.

This is quite a delicate consideration, because “me” invested so much time in unhappiness and longing.

For the “me” it is quite embarrassing to allow the idea that what I always longed for is always present, beyond words.



No spiritual tricks, no super-powers, no achievement, nothing special; but the greatest gift of understanding:

  • Thinking is a tool I am aware of.
  • Suffering is a misunderstanding.
  • “Me” – the sufferer – is a mental construct.
  • “Truth is simple, the seeker is complex.”



Ya but…
what about “me”?

Thinking allowed, thinking aloud…

but from a place of love, forgiveness, emotional bravery.



Life is a tribal thing, we don’t live isolated.

No need to pretend or fake, but to be sincere in our longing for love, truth, authenticity.

Satsang as an important foundation, friendship as a priceless gift to walk our talk, to gently and shamelessly expose the myth of “me” as a separate-self.


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Created: September 26, 2024 
Last modified: September 26, 2024

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