Anniversary… –

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Posted by Holger:

Walter, we missed it…
too many reasons to celebrate.

Some time in the beginning,
Walter came up with the name

Later Judith called us
Garden Of Friends.

Names and forms are constantly changing 😎
Gratitude for our friendship ❤️

(Thank you Vicki, for asking…
“How did it all begin?”)


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Created: April 28, 2023 
Last modified: April 29, 2023

This post has 2 Comments. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

2 responses to “Anniversary…”

  1. Ron Avatar

    Sir, you are not separate. The happiness you cannot share is spurious. Only the shareable is truly desirable.
    – NM 131

    1. Holger Avatar

      War of quotes: “Do not expect the world to bring you happiness. Bring your happiness to the world.” Words are empty husk?

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