A bite in I am… – nondual.community

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A bite in I am…

Posted by Holger:

Just for fun:


Thank you Irena for this interesting Satsang ā¤ļø
I created a PDF from the YT transcript and uploaded it toĀ ChatPDF.com

Then I basically asked:
What concepts is Roger sharing?

1. The idea that we are not our thoughts
or emotions, but rather the awareness in
which they arise (pageĀ 3).

2. The importance of recognizing and
accepting our current state of
consciousness before trying to change it
(pageĀ 4).

3. The suggestion that true happiness
and fulfillment come from within, rather
than from external circumstances (pageĀ 5).

4. The concept of “non-duality,” which
suggests that there is no separation
between ourselves and the world around
us (pageĀ 6).

5. The idea that all suffering arises
from identification with thoughts and
emotions (pageĀ 7).

6. The importance of being present in
the moment and not getting caught up in
regrets about the past or worries about
the future (pageĀ 8).

7. The suggestion that we can learn to
observe our thoughts without getting
caught up in them, similar to watching
clouds pass by in the sky (pageĀ 9).

8. The concept of “self-inquiry,” which
involves questioning our beliefs and
assumptions about ourselves and the
world around us (pageĀ 10).

9. The idea that true freedom comes from
recognizing our true nature as
awareness, rather than identifying with
our thoughts or emotions (pageĀ 11).

10. The suggestion that we can learn to
let go of attachments and desires by
recognizing their impermanence (pageĀ 12).

11. The concept of “ego,” which refers
to our sense of individual identity or
self-image (pageĀ 13).

12. The importance of recognizing that
all experiences are temporary and
impermanent, including both pleasure and
pain (pageĀ 14).

13. The suggestion that we can learn to
be more present and aware by focusing on
our breath or bodily sensations (pageĀ 15).

14. The concept of “mindfulness,” which
involves being fully present and aware
in the moment (pageĀ 16).

15. The idea that true peace and
happiness come from within, rather than
from external circumstances (pageĀ 17).

16. The suggestion that we can learn to
let go of negative thoughts and emotions
by recognizing their impermanence (pageĀ 18).

17. The concept of “surrender,” which
involves letting go of our attachment to
control and trusting in the universe or
a higher power (pageĀ 19).

18. The suggestion that we can learn to
be more present and aware by paying
attention to our senses and the world
around us (pageĀ 20).

19. The idea that true happiness comes
from accepting ourselves as we are,
rather than trying to change or improve
ourselves (pageĀ 22).

20. The concept of “grace,” which refers
to the idea that spiritual awakening or
realization is not something that can be
achieved through effort or practice, but
rather is a gift that is bestowed upon
us (pageĀ 24).


Sorry, in case this sounds all dry and boring…
maybe thatā€™s why we meet in ā€œpersonā€, to add some
juice, to make it alive, fun and

See you SundayĀ (-;
a bite in I am.



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Created: May 6, 2023 
Last modified: May 6, 2023

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