13 Smartphone Photography tips & tricks – nondual.community

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13 Smartphone Photography tips & tricks

Posted by Holger:


“Whether you have an iPhone or a Samsung or whatever, it doesn’t matter as long as your phone has a camera in it. The most critical factor in image quality is not the camera, but the photographer and the decisions they make. And while having loads of high-end lenses and cameras is great, it does encourages you to fall back on those things when making your shot.

Phone photography forces you to call on the basic fundamentals of good photography: Composition, lighting, colour and tone, storytelling, and the decisive moment. It’s a great way to learn.

In this video I take a look at the work of Kathy Ryan from her series, Office Romance, and I take you through 13 important tips for creating great photos with you phone camera.”

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Created: February 16, 2023 
Last modified: February 16, 2023

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