Touching Our Experience Lightly –

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Touching Our Experience Lightly

Posted by Holger:

How Touching Our Experience Lightly
Can Facilitate the Undoing of Ego | Amoda Maa


The video discusses the concept of liberation from the “prison of self,” emphasizing that true self-realization is about unveiling and understanding our perceptions rather than achieving a higher state of consciousness. It highlights how our interpretations of experiences, shaped by past conditioning and societal influences, create veils that obscure our true selves 00:53.

The speaker explains that self-definition often swings between feelings of victimhood and inflated self-worth, which complicates our perception of reality 03:17. By examining these beliefs and touching our experiences lightly—without struggle or effort—we can begin to dismantle these veils 05:36.

The video illustrates this process with an anecdote about maintaining stillness amid external noise, demonstrating that true freedom comes from not being disturbed by our interpretations of experiences 09:50. Ultimately, it suggests that the ego is not something to eliminate but a formation that can be undone through gentle awareness and acceptance of the present moment

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Photo by Johnson Wang on Unsplash

Created: August 15, 2024 
Last modified: August 15, 2024

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