The Rays Of The Absolute 03/12/2023 –

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The Rays Of The Absolute 03/12/2023

Posted by Holger:

Sunday, March 12, 2023 3:45 pm (California Time)  

Please RSVP to Ron@Nondual.Community and you will receive a Zoom link ❤️


Namaste to One and All!
Thank you so much Stella for sending the youtube about Nisargadatta. It’s been a couple of years since I first watched it…and it was so refreshing to watch again. Always hear something new!


Here are a few pointers that I liked:

Stay at the root
Find out the root
What is your root?

I am not a woman
I am not a man
Neither a saint nor a godman
I am not the body
I am not the mind
I am not a person of any kind
Neither the self nor the soul
But much, much deeper than a black hole
I am nothing
I am nothing
But I am everything
Because everything is nothing…and nothing is everything.


(139) Rays of the Absolute (the Legacy of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj) – YouTube

Stella will send out the usual link on Sunday evening around 6:00 EST.
Note that we go on Daylight Savings Time starting Sunday…so check that we are coordinated.
Peace     Peace     Peace


Please RSVP to Ron@Nondual.Community and you will receive a Zoom link for Sunday ❤️

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Created: March 11, 2023 
Last modified: March 11, 2023

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