Synchronistic Harmony? –

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Synchronistic Harmony?

Posted by Holger:

What is the difference between synchronicity and harmony?

Synchronicity and harmony are two different concepts, but they are often related and can have overlapping aspects. Here’s an explanation of each term:

Synchronicity is a concept introduced by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. It refers to meaningful coincidences or events that seem to occur without any causal relationship but carry significant personal or collective meaning. In other words, it’s the occurrence of two or more events that are not directly connected in a logical or conventional way but have a symbolic or meaningful association.
For example, you might be thinking about an old friend you haven’t seen in years, and suddenly, you receive a call or message from them out of the blue. Or you may be contemplating an important life decision, and a series of unrelated events happen to guide you in a particular direction.

Synchronicity is often seen as a meaningful connection between an individual’s inner psyche or consciousness and the external world. It is often interpreted as a sign of something significant, prompting individuals to reflect on their life’s path and potential deeper meanings.

Harmony, on the other hand, is a state of agreement, concordance, or consistency between different elements or entities. It refers to the pleasant combination of different parts or factors, resulting in a pleasing or balanced whole.
In a musical context, harmony involves the simultaneous combination of different notes to create chords that sound pleasing together. In interpersonal relationships, harmony implies peaceful coexistence and positive interactions among people. In nature, harmony could refer to the balance and equilibrium found in ecosystems.

Unlike synchronicity, which often involves seemingly unrelated events, harmony is about creating a sense of unity, coherence, and balance among various elements or aspects of life.

In summary, the main difference between synchronicity and harmony lies in their nature and scope. Synchronicity involves meaningful coincidences and connections beyond conventional causality, often with a focus on individual experiences and personal meaning. Harmony, on the other hand, deals with the balance, agreement, and pleasing combination of different elements, often in a broader context like nature, relationships, or artistic compositions.


In general, isn’t the “mind” more like a machine
to fill-in the gaps,
to create narratives that make sense?

And when we are a little more mature,
we discover that our own unhappiness
was simply caused by faulty thinking.

Understanding the nature of mind
– knowing the instrument we lived by –
is fun-da-mental for a fulfilled and peaceful life.
Isn’t it? ❤️

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Created: August 1, 2023 
Last modified: August 1, 2023

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