
Disclaimer: Welcome to the laboratory, explore with an open heart ❤️

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Posted by Holger:

Image Source: San Francisco, 676 Howard St


If your heart is open for nonduality – the end of suffering, then
will deeply resonate with you, in you and as you (all words as concessions).

Please share with your friends and neighbors.


And like always, consider adding yourself to the map here.
The mess in the world is not a given fact, it is simply a little misunderstanding;
the finger that hides the moon, a misguided attitude/belief that veils our true nature of love and abundance.

Hope less, but effortlessly inquire into yOur true nature;
risk to be free, independent of circumstances.

Yay! Do I sound like a salesperson?


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Created: June 25, 2023 
Last modified: July 3, 2023

This post has 1 Comment. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

One response to “”

  1. Allen Avatar

    You sound like Holger Hubbs – truly.

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