Roger Fans’ meeting: Release God – Joel Goldsmith | Gautam Sachdeva 06/02/2024 –

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Roger Fans’ meeting: Release God – Joel Goldsmith | Gautam Sachdeva 06/02/2024

Posted by Irena:

Sunday, June 2, 2024 6:00 am (California Time)  

Hello friends,

Come join the zoom discussion group next Sunday,
May 26, at 9am EST (New York Time.)

This week we are looking at one of Gautam’s satsangs.
I appreciate his style and find him very easy to listen to and value how he keeps his talks focused on human relationships.



25th February 2024
We Should Release God From Any Personal Obligation To Us –
Joel Goldsmith | Gautam Sachdeva

(Suggestion: if a specific insight comes
while listening to the Satsang, write it down
so you can have it available for sharing with the group.)

Click here to join our Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 717 7970 7097
Passcode: Y7AzMn

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Created: June 1, 2024 
Last modified: June 1, 2024

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