Roger Castillo: Live Satsang –

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Roger Castillo: Live Satsang

Posted by Holger:

Saturday, May 25, 2024 6:00 am (California Time)  

Roger will be holding 4 online live Satsangs
during May and June 2024:

Info & Zoom Link


“The Satsangs focus on the teachings of non-doership and help us experience for ourselves how a deepening understanding can bring about a very practical change whereby suffering starts to get cut off and we find ourselves living life at peace regardless of our circumstances.”


May 18, 2024

Raw Transcript


May 11, 2024

Raw Transcript


“Life has a power, intelligence;
a creative capacity well beyond
what our human intellect can imagine.”

One Source

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Created: May 18, 2024 
Last modified: May 19, 2024

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