Roger: After a break 06/25/2023 –

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Roger: After a break 06/25/2023

Posted by Holger:

Sunday, June 25, 2023 6:00 am (California Time)  

We are a small group of friends, interested in nonduality.

Join us Sunday, 9AM (EST, New York Time).
We will be basing the discussion
around one of Roger’s Satsangs (see YouTube link below.)

Feel free to share this link and invite others that are
interested in Roger’s teaching framework.
Hope to see you there.

Roger Castillo – Satsang – Nothing to Feel Guilt or Blame About (part 2)
Live Satsang with Roger June 17, 2023


The talk focuses on critical thinking and the framework of happiness in daily living.

The speaker distinguishes between pleasure and happiness, stating that pleasure is determined by biological preferences while happiness is a continuous and unbroken state that is not dependent on external circumstances.

The talk encourages listeners to question their assumptions about happiness and to develop a deeper understanding of the topic.


(Suggestion: if a specific insight comes
while listening to the Satsang, write it down
so you can have it available for sharing with the group.)

Click here to join our Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 717 7970 7097
Passcode: Y7AzMn

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Created: June 24, 2023 
Last modified: June 24, 2023

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